Home > Flowers > Dried Baby's Breath / Gypsophila / Gyp
Dried Gypsophila, also known as Baby's Breath or Gyp makes a great vase filler. We have multiple styles of this popular dried flower for sale in bulk quantities at wholesale prices.
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Dried Baby's Breath - Gypsophila - Bleached Dried Baby's Breath - Gypsophila - Champagne Sparkle Dried Baby's Breath - Gypsophila - Gold Sparkle
Baby's Breath, 12 Bunches, Champagne Sparkle Gyp
List Price: $146.40
OUR PRICE: $109.20

Baby's Breath, 12 Bunches, Gold Sparkle Gypsophila
List Price: $146.40
OUR PRICE: $109.20

12 bunches at  $6.98 per bunch. 12 bunches at $9.10 per bunch. 12 bunches at $9.10 per bunch.
Dried Baby's Breath - Gypsophila - Silver Sparkle Dried Baby's Breath - Gypsophila - White Sparkle
Baby's Breath, 12 Bunches, Silver Sparkle Gypsophila
List Price: $146.40
OUR PRICE: $109.20
12 bunches at $9.10 per bunch. 12 bunches at $8.80 per bunch.